Cake Decorator JustBakeIt17

Onna Eady

Danville, Alabama US


About JustBakeIt17

I am a wife and mother, and mostly a self taught baker and cake decorator. I have taken a break from baking for the last 10 years, but slowly getting back into this and loving it. Strange how things have changed in the last 10 years. Loving learning all the new ideas that have been developed.

JustBakeIt17's Cake Photos view more

  • Military Welcome Home This was such a special cake and was so honored to get to make it! The cake was butter & chocolate with buttercream and fondant. The...
  • Anniversary - 4Th Of July This was an Anniversary Cake for my BIL & SIL. They were married on the 4th of July and have always had Red, White, & Blue cakes....
  • Beach Escape This is by far the most fun I have had in a while. The cake was butter cake with buttercream filling as request by the customer. The sea...
  • Drip Cake With A Candy Overload This was a butter cake with chocolate ganache and salted caramel filling. Buttercream with chocolate drips, with any candy that under the...
  • Elephant Cake Topper I so enjoyed making this topper. Well until I dropped the first one and had to hurry and make a second when only hours away from delivery....
  • Alabama Birthday Cake Alabama Crimson Tide Birthday Cake for a dear friend. The bottom tier was 10" round, top was 8" round. Both strawberry cakes with...
  • Graduation Splendor - 12 Tiers Of School Cake that I created this week for a 2017 Graduate. They wanted a WOW FACTOR cake. The 4th, 6th, & 8th tiers were real cake. 8"...

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